Monday, March 12, 2018

Multiple Personalities

I want to start off by saying coming up with this idea felt like it took years. In all my years of being a creator, I've never had this much trouble trying to come up with a plan. This is most likely because I am used to having the story handed to me and all I would have to do is present it. With that being said, at long last I've come up with the basic premise of my short film. To sum it up, the film will take place in the mind of the main character. Throughout the film he will be trying to uncover the truth behind the murder of one of his peers. After a long and mentally challenging journey, the main character learns that he has multiple personalities and is actually the one who has killed his friend. What does multiple personalities mean you ask? Well technically it's called DID and according to psychology today: "Dissociative identity disorder, formerly referred to as multiple personality disorder, is a condition wherein a person's identity is fragmented into two or more distinct personality states. People with this rare condition are often victims of severe abuse." With this plot I am going to need a MINIMUM of 2 actors, and a plethora of equipment. Through my research I've learned that thrillers are typically shot in low light. So why would I NEED lights? The tone still has to be set. Remember this is a PSYCHOLOGICAL thriller. I plan on using assorted gels on the lights to convey different feelings the character is having internally. Speaking of that, equipment might be an issue. I will talk about that in future postings as well as the importance of storyboarding. 

“Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder).” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers,

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